
Protecting the privacy of users and customers who buy from online stores is a very important and complex issue that all online stores are responsible for creating suitable conditions for their customers so that users can easily and with peace of mind. do their affairs and work.

For this reason, in Adim Leather Store, we are investigating privacy to create better conditions for customers.

What is the importance of user privacy?

When the customers of a store become a member inside it and create a user account for themselves, this account will include all personal information, mobile phone, email, address, etc., if the store does not have sufficient security, all This information falls into the hands of others and it is possible that they will be abused by Internet thieves.

Of course, this issue can only be one of the problems that occur when the store does not respect users’ privacy; While this issue can cause much more complicated problems for customers.

What issues endanger the privacy of users?

Every online store must comply with issues on its website that protect users’ privacy, and online stores that do not have these conditions are actually at risk and their users will not be safe.

Some of these issues can be considered as follows, which cause the access of skimmers, hackers and internet thieves to the privacy of customers:

Absence of electronic trust symbol:

All reputable online stores that offer their services through the website must have an electronic trust symbol that they insert on the main page of the website.

If a store does not have this symbol, we do not recommend buying from it because it may not be an authentic and reliable store.

Absence of https protocol:

Stores that have this type of protocol in their addresses have sufficient credibility and do not cause problems, but if you do not see this protocol, you should check other factors affecting the security of the store in order to protect your privacy on the site. be sure.

In addition, if you find that the name of the https protocol is entered in the address field of the store, but there is a line on it, you should find out that the page is fake and invalid.

Inquiring from the :

If you care about your privacy in online shopping and you want to be completely sure about this issue regarding the website you are considering, we recommend that you inquire about the name of the store you are considering through this website to find out that Does the store have enough security or not?

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