Return procedures

At Adim Leather store, in order to satisfy you, dear customers, services have been provided as procedures for returning goods, so that dear customers who buy from this collection, if they encounter any problems, can return the purchased goods to Let’s have the leather.

In fact, providing after-sales services to customers of online stores is one of the most important issues in online stores all over the world, which is necessary for all reputable stores to provide these services, and fortunately, Adim Leather Collection also has these services as a reputable collection. Is.

Necessary conditions for returning goods in Adim Leather:

In order to return the goods to Adim Leather, usually one of the following conditions must exist in order to do this; Otherwise, the product will not be returned.

If the product is damaged or has a problem:

You can use the after-sales service and refer the product when you notice a problem, defect or damage in it after receiving it.

Improper size of the purchased item:

If the leather product you have purchased has a sizing and you have a problem choosing its size and you have registered it incorrectly, you will be able to return the product and for this purpose you can go through the steps of returning the product.

Regarding the procedures for returning the goods, it should be noted that in many cases, even healthy and problem-free goods can be returned and benefited from the after-sales service that Adami Leather has also provided this possibility, if for any reason If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can exchange it.

Failure to remove the product’s logo or logo from it:

Procedures for returning goods in Adim Leather:

In order for you, dear customers of Adim Leather, to be able to return your purchased item, you must go through the steps mentioned below:

Deciding to return the product before 72 hours of delivery:

You can return your purchased item to Adim Leather if less than 72 hours have passed after its delivery. Otherwise, you will not be able to return the product.

Taking care of the product and preventing it from causing problems:

Until the agent of Adim Leather is sent to your place and takes delivery of the goods, you must be careful that the goods are not damaged and that there are no problems in their condition.

Contact the after-sales service department of Adim Leather:

To do this, you should contact Adim Leather’s after-sales service department, so that they can explain the conditions for returning the goods and raise the necessary issues. Usually, by making a phone call to this department, the time and place to send the collection agent to your address will be determined so that this person can receive the goods from you and return them to the company.

Going through the steps to return the product to the store:

One of the other steps that must be taken in this regard is to refer the goods and register the request online, which you must do so that this issue is included in your profile and in the records section and there will be no problems in the future.

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